Entanglements does not charge any author an Article Processing Charge or submission fee. All work is open access, freely available to readers around the world.

We are run on a completely voluntary basis and we do not have institutional support – financial or in kind – and nor are we backed by a big publishing house. Entanglements is academic labour (and ‘a labour of love‘ at that) by academics for academics. In this sense, there will be delays in getting back to authors especially when emails arrive in the middle of production cycles (usually Autumn and Spring).

Our editorials lay out the ethos and situation of the journal. We use a peer-feedback model of review; editors will discuss and work with authors on the production of articles. For more details about this process please read ‘Another review process is possible‘.

If you would like to submit work to the journal, or would like to discuss ideas for a possible submission, please email us at:

Please read the author guidelines carefully before submitting full drafts.

We welcome contributions under the following sections:


A récits is a short story or anecdote; récits are often told to amuse, entertain, warn, intrigue, or in other ways impart knowledge and experience. Stories should be about  time spent conducting multimodal fieldwork and/or experimenting with multimodal representations of fieldwork. They can be written in any genre and consist of any media.  Textual contributions should be a maximum of 2000 words. Video and audio submissions for this section should be no more than 15 minutes long.


Experiments and experiences in carrying out multimodal ethnography. The section aims to provide a platform in which researchers could discuss practical experiences of applying multimodal approaches and methodologies in the research, data collection or analysis. Entries in this section should aim to make contributions towards methodological and analytical applications, experiments and innovations in multimodal research, which might help towards expanding and reflect on the field. They can be written in any genre and consist of any media.  Textual contributions should aim at a maximum of 6000 words.


Reviews of books, films, performances, music past and present that speak to multimodal ethnography, support the development of multimodal languages and they could address ethnography, directly or indirectly. Maximum of 1000 words with an additional maximum of five pictures and/or short audio or video extracts. When possible and relevant, we feature poly-vocal re-views, in which we invite more than one author to review a particular work.

Mushrooms at the end of the issue

This section hosts guest edited collections. We discuss each such mushroom individually. We assign the guest editors the responsibility to review the individual pieces, to make sure that references are in the journal’s referencing style and the media files are in supported formats and that the copyright for the media is with the authors (or that there’s no copyright/ these are in the public domain). The contributions can be of varying lengths and formats, as suits the authors and the guest-editors. Textual parts of the individual pieces should not exceed 6000 words each. The editors will assist with/discuss any issues that may come up along the process.